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Trigger Warning

Trigger Warnings: A Call for Consent and Respect

What is a Trigger Warning?

A trigger warning is a written or verbal message given before the start of a book, video clip, or other content. It alerts readers or viewers that the material may contain potentially distressing or sensitive topics such as violence, sexual assault, or other traumatic events.

A Protector of Consent

Trigger warnings are not meant to censor content but rather to provide choice and respect for individuals who may have experienced trauma or are sensitive to certain subjects. By allowing readers or viewers to make an informed decision about whether to engage with the content, trigger warnings prioritize consent and put the power back in the hands of the individual.

Creating a Safe and Informed Space

On college campuses, trigger warnings are becoming increasingly prevalent. A recent study found that 51% of students have encountered trigger warnings in their classes.

These warnings serve as a way to create a safe and inclusive learning environment, allowing students to feel respected and supported while engaging with potentially challenging material.
